Privacy Policy of Paras Defence & Space Technologies Ltd

1. Introduction

Purpose of Policy: This Privacy Policy articulates the commitment of Paras Defence and Space Technologies Limited (henceforth referred to as “the Company”), a leader in the Aerospace, Defence & Space Sector, to safeguarding the privacy and security of personal and sensitive information. This policy applies comprehensively across our business verticals, encompassing Optics & Optronic Systems and Defence Engineering, inclusive of Defence Electronics, EMP Protection Solutions, and Heavy Engineering sectors.

2. Information Collection

Types of Information Collected: The Company diligently collects a range of data, essential for our specialized operations. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Personal identification information (names, addresses, email addresses, etc.).

  • Employment details (job titles, workplace data).

  • Specialized technical and defense-related data pertinent to our projects.

  • Compliance-related information for legal and regulatory purposes.

Methods of Collection: Data collection methods are multifaceted, encompassing direct interactions with stakeholders, digital communication channels, secure data transfer from defense contracts, and during the execution of defense projects.

3. Use of Information

Purpose and Utilization of Data: The Company utilizes this data for several critical functions:

  • To fulfill contractual obligations and provide services in our defense and space operations.

  • For compliance with legal, regulatory, and industry-specific standards.

  • To advance our research, development, and innovation in defense technologies.

  • Ensuring national security and protecting sensitive defense-related information.

Data Minimization Principle: We adhere to the principle of data minimization, ensuring that only data essential for specific, legitimate purposes is processed.

4. Information Sharing and Disclosure

Internal Data Sharing: Data sharing internally is governed by stringent protocols, ensuring that access is limited to authorized personnel engaged in specific, relevant projects.

External Data Disclosure: Externally, data may be shared with government agencies, industry partners, and subcontractors, strictly under controlled and legally compliant circumstances.

5. Data Security

Robust Security Measures: We employ state-of-the-art security measures including advanced encryption techniques, rigorous access control systems, and continuous surveillance of our IT infrastructure.

EMP and Cybersecurity: Special emphasis is placed on protection against Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP) and other cybersecurity threats, crucial for maintaining the integrity of sensitive defense data.

6. Data Retention and Disposal

Retention Policy: Data is retained in line with legal and contractual requirements, and our internal data governance policies.

Secure Disposal: Upon expiration of its necessity, data is disposed of securely and irretrievably, in accordance with our data destruction policies.

7. International Data Transfers

Cross-border Data Transfer Protocols: We comply with international laws and treaties governing the transfer of defense-related data across borders, ensuring that all such transfers meet the highest standards of data protection.

8. Rights of Individuals

Access, Correction, and Deletion: Individuals whose data we hold have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of their personal information.

Consent Management: We maintain a rigorous consent management process, allowing individuals to opt-in or opt-out of certain uses of their data.

9. Compliance with Defense Sector Regulations

Defense-specific Data Handling: We abide by strict guidelines and protocols for handling classified and sensitive defense information.

Regulatory Compliance: Our operations are aligned with the highest standards of regulatory compliance in the defense sector.

10. Policy Updates and Communication

Policy Review and Update: This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to reflect changes in our practices and legal obligations.

Stakeholder Communication: Stakeholders will be notified of significant updates to this policy through official channels.

11. Contact and Queries

Contact Information: For inquiries or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Mr. Anish Hemant Mehta at 022-6919-9999.

12. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

Legal Framework: This policy is governed by the laws of Mumbai, India and will be interpreted in accordance with its courts.